to FASTA converter
Converts your sample files in seconds!
Everything to Fasta Converter converts the specified samples (SCF, ABI, FASTA, multiFasta, GBK, multiGBK, SEQ, TXT) to FASTA format. Starting with version 3.0 protein FASTA files are also supported.
Starting with 2011, Everything to Fasta Converter has been integrated in DNA Baser together with other free molecular biology tools and it is available under the Tools menu:
To get this convertor, just download the DNA Baser package. The download time should be below 10 seconds.
The converter is very small so you can easily copy it on a USB flash stick and take it with you or send it to your
colleagues via email. Freeware.
How to use the converter
- In DNA Baser, start the Everything to Fasta Converter from the 'Tools -> Everything to Fasta converter' menu.
- Locate the folder that contains your samples
- Choose how you want to name the resulted files.
- Press
the 'Start' button.
The resulted FASTA files is automatically saved in the same folder where the input files are located OR if you checked the
'Create sub-folder' checkbox, a new sub-folder will be created in the current folder. The resulted FASTA files will be saved in this folder.
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